Who am I?

I always loved drawing and playing with colors, so it was not too big a surprise when I ended up in the field of cartography. The fast-paced world of web mapping and web cartography caught my eye during my master studies. Now that more and more of the data that we produced is localized and can be drawn on a map, we have so much data at our disposal that only await to be used and mapped. But this abundance can become overwhelming if you are a not an expert. So that is where my work will come in handy (I hope!).

With this website, I wish to showcase some of my work realized during my doctoral studies. I describe the main aspects of my work with concrete examples. I try to keep the text at a minimum and as far as possible from an academic-styled speech.

If you are curious about my work, don’t hesitate to contact me.


Nadia H. Panchaud

Doctoral Student

ETH Zurich
Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
8093 Zürich, Switzerland

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