
Panchaud, N.H., I. Iosifescu Enescu, L. Hurni (2017). Smart Cartographic Functionality for Improving Data Visualization in Map Mashups. Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization 52 (2):194-211. doi:10.3138/cart.52.2.4115.

Panchaud, N.H., L. Hurni (2018). Smart Cartographic Background Symbolization for Map Mashups in Geoportals: A Proof of Concept by Example of Landuse Representation The Cartographic Journal. doi:10.1080/00087041.2017.1414019.

Panchaud, N.H., L. Hurni (2018). Integrating Cartographic Knowledge Within a Geoportal: Interactions and Feedback in the User Interface Cartographic Perspectives 89: 5-24. doi:10.14714/CP89.1402.